Sainte-Anne-du-Bout-de-l'Île Historical Society

Sainte-Anne-du-Bout-de-l'Ile corresponds today to the area of Senneville, Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue and Baie-D'Urfé

Everybody is most welcome.

Upcoming events

Our new season will start in September. We wish you a wonderful summer!

Past meetings, 2024

Historical Society - Summer Outing Tuesday, June 4, 2024 10:00am at the Montreal Aviation Museum, Macdonald campus of McGill

Information and photos: Montreal Aviation Museum, Summer Outing

Wednesday, May 22, 6 PM - Annual Dinner - Jason Bolanis - Endangered Stories of the West Island

Location: George-McLeish Community Centre, Senneville
Links and photos: Endangered Stories of the West Island

Wednesday, April 24, 1:30 PM - Henry Yates - The History of Maxwelton Farm, Baie-D'Urfé

Location: George-McLeish Community Centre, Senneville
Presentation material: The History of Maxwelton Farm, Baie-D'Urfé, slides and talk

Wednesday, March 27, 1:30 PM - Robert Wilkins - Carnival, Flooding, Smallpox, and Beaugrand: 1885, Montreal's Annus Horribilis

Location: George-McLeish Community Centre, Senneville
Presentation material: Carnival, Flooding, Smallpox, and Beaugrand: 1885, Montreal's Annus Horribilis

Wednesday, February 28, 1:30 PM - Day's Lee - Day's Lee's look at the history of the Chinese-Canadian community in Montreal

Location: George-McLeish Community Centre, Senneville
Archive link: "Meet and Eat at Lee's Garden"

Wednesday, January 24, 1:30 PM - Ryan Young - The European Settlement in St-Anne de Bout de L'Isle to the Present

Ryan Young is a Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue City Councillor and a College Professor at John Abbott College who has done extensive research about the history of Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue. Every year he leads a number of historical walking tours in the old village of Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue. His talk will cover the beginnings of European settlement on the western tip of the island of Montreal and then all the way through to the present day. With the aid of historical photographs the old village buildings of Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue that still exist from the 1800s will be discussed along with the early history of Macdonald College in the early 1900s.

Location: George-McLeish Community Centre, Senneville
Presentation material: Ryan Young - St-Anne de Bout de L'Isle

Past meetings, 2023

Wednesday, January 25, 2023, 1:30 PM - Guido Socher - Dowker's Island

There is a large island which lies off the shore of Baie-D'Urfé. This island once belonged to the Dowker family, and is still known as Dowker's Island. It was once the home of a thriving summer resort.
One of our members, Guido Socher, recalls the glory days of Dowker's Island.

Location: George-McLeish Community Centre, Senneville
Slide deck: Dowker presentation slides, pdf file, size: 9.2M

Wednesday, February 22, 2023, 1:30 PM - Peter McBride - The Great Escape - Dad's War - The World War II experiences of Robert (Bob) McBride.

Peter McBride, a resident of Hudson, has pieced together his father’s amazing story from various sources and will share it with us at our February 22nd Historical Society meeting.

The Great Escape - Dad's War

Life-long resident of Baie-D'Urfé and Beaconsfield, Bob McBride, enlisted in the Royal Canadian Air Force, CAF in September 1940 following completion of flight training in Canada. Bob went overseas in September 1941, winning promotion to Pilot Officer and Flying Officer in 1942, and to Flight Lieutenant in June 1944. He was shot down in a torpedo bombing mission over the Bay of Biscay on November 7, 1942, wounded and taken prisoner. As a Prisoner of War, POW, Bob resided in the Stalag Luft III and took part in what became known as "The Great Escape" on March 24, 1944. Recaptured at the tunnel’s mouth, Bob remained a prisoner until his release at the war’s end in 1945. Peter will provide a fascinating glimpse into his father's wartime experiences.

Location: George-McLeish Community Centre, Senneville
Slide deck: not available

Wednesday, March 22, 2023, 1:30 PM - Jason Bolanis - Mayor Olive Urquhart and Pointe Claire

Jason Bolanis, a well known local filmmaker, takes us back to the early days of the 20th century, when Valois was beginning to develop from a summer resort into a community of permanent residences.

Mr.Bolanis recalls the career of Mayor Olive Urquhart who was the first, and so far the only, female mayor of Pointe-Claire. Mayor Urquhart's forward-looking vision for her community enabled a sleepy summer resort to develop into the City of Pointe-Claire.

Location: George-McLeish Community Centre, Senneville
Presentation material: Jason Bolanis, Endangered Stories

Wednesday, April 26, 1:30 PM - Steven High - The Deindustrialization of Montréal

Progress, in the form of improved transportation and industrial techniques, can be of great benefit to mankind but, at the same time, it can have a devastating effect on the workers and their families who are left behind in its wake.

Professor Steven High tells the story of the closing, in the mid 20th century, of many of the industries which were located in South West Montréal and beside the Lachine Canal, and the hardship endured by the families of the thousands of workers who lost their jobs.

Location: George-McLeish Community Centre, Senneville
Presentation material: Deindustrializing Montreal

Wednesday, May 10, 1:30 PM - Henry Yates - An Illustrated Talk About the Lives and Architecture of Edward and W.S. Maxwell

Mr. Henry Yates, is a descendant of the Maxwell family whose firm, Maxwell Brothers, Architects, designed many of the beautiful 'heritage' buildings in Senneville and elsewhere in the Montréal area.

Location: George-McLeish Community Centre, Senneville
Presentation material: An Illustrated Talk About the Lives and Architecture of Edward and W.S. Maxwell

Annual dinner: Wednesday, May 24 Annual Dinner 6pm to 10pm - Atmo Zakes and Jim Katz - Bois-de-la-Roche: 30 years in the farmer's house

Our neighbours and fellow-members, Atmo Zakes and Jim Katz, have lived for many years in a cottage which was once part of Bois-de-la-Roche, the estate which was established by the late Senator Louis-Joseph Forget in the 1890s.

Atmo is a well known artist who has produced many fine paintings of various aspects of the estate. Atmo and Jim are going to share some of their memories with us.

Location: George-McLeish Community Centre, Senneville

Additional information: Bois-de-la-Roche; 30 years in the farmer's house

Wednesday, September 27, 1:30 PM - Robert Carswell - Senneville's Three Most Famous People

Location: George-McLeish Community Centre, Senneville

Additional information: Presentation material

Wednesday, October 25, 1:30 PM - Janette Haggar - Lost Histories: The Story of Felix Brunet and 260 Chemin Senneville

Location: George-McLeish Community Centre, Senneville
Additional information: Presentation material

Wednesday, November 22, 1:30 PM - Atmo Zakes - Joy is Always Possible - wartime stories

originally "John Angus - Bout-de-l'Ile in the Days Before Our Day" was planed for Nov. 22 but this presentation had to be postponed.

Location: George-McLeish Community Centre, Senneville

Additional information about Atmo's presentation: Presentation material

Sainte-Anne-du-Bout-de-l'Ile Historical Society